Parents Help Shape UC Davis on Give Day


Give Day, UC Davis’ biggest annual fundraiser, offers us all a chance to support the things we love about our university. Gifts of any size are welcome, and “challenge gifts”—larger amounts put forth by community donors that “unlock” with a certain number of gifts of any size—ensure that your donations will have a maximum impact.

While everybody’s gifts make UC Davis stronger, each gift is also personal. This is a chance to give to the things you and your family care about. Some ideas for parents include:

Your student's college plays a formative role in their academic, personal and professional development. There is no greater gift to a college than support for its annual fund, which provides deans the freedom to strengthen programs and services most in need.

Programs your student loves. Whether it’s a student club, a recreational or varsity sports team, Study Abroad, the Student Farm or any of hundreds of “beyond classroom” activities on campus, these programs enrich your student’s education immeasurably.

Career preparation programs and services. The Internship and Career Center (ICC) serves as a hub for career preparation, along with a new initiative called Aggie Launch, which seeks to embed career preparation into every student’s experience.

Emergency student needs. Many UC Davis students struggle with basic needs including adequate food and stable housing. Critical programs for these students include the Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center, the ASUCD Pantry and Student Emergency Relief Aid (SERA).

The Parents Fund, which enhances learning opportunities for all students and allows Chancellor Gary May to respond quickly to emerging needs.

Wherever you choose to give, please know that students, faculty, staff and leadership across our Davis and Sacramento campuses and beyond are very grateful for your support.

You are making UC Davis stronger—and setting an incredible example for your student about the gratification and power of philanthropy.

For more information about how parent giving makes a difference in students’ lives, contact Cari DuBois-Wright, Associate Director of Development in Parent Giving, at, 510-388-3605. You can visit our Parents Fund website here as well as learn more about our Family Fellows.

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