Connect with a career coach today. A professional career coach can help you create a personalized plan designed to meet your goals. All coaches listed below were vetted by the UC Davis Cal Aggie Alumni Association.
Our line-up of Coaches include:
- Ana Floyd, Institute for Global Listening and Communication
- Andrea Weiss, Andrea Weiss Career Counseling
- Brandy DeOrnellas, Life By Design Coaching
- Christina Dalton, Expanding Your Horizons
- Charmaign Lomastro, Careers Reimagined
- Gavan Ambrosini, Ambrosini Consulting Group
- Inayah Baaqee, Chrysallis Lab Career Consulting
- Meghan Murphy, Meghan Murphy Coaching
- Michele Smith, Better Possibilities
- Phong Vu, Blueprint Career Coaching
Learn more about our Career Coaches here.
Member Benefit:
Career coaching services listed here are available at a discount to Cal Aggie Alumni Association, Aggie Parent and Family Association, Student Alumni Association, Retiree Association, and Emeriti Association members. Learn more about membership here. Access link/promo code was sent via email, if you did not receive it please email us at alumni@ucdavis.edu.
If you are not a member, consider joining now!
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