Event Date
We invite you to join the UC Davis community for a special ceremony honoring and remembering our Gold Star Aggies, those 136 UC Davis students and alumni who lost their lives in military service from World War I to the present.
Thursday, May 25 at 4 PM at the Memorial Union, North Courtyard, UC Davis. Following the ceremony, a reception will be held. No RSVP or registration needed.
This year, the ceremony will begin an hour earlier than usual to allow more of our community to attend and pay their respects.
We are honored to have Deputy Undersecretary of Minority Veteran Affairs, Xochitl Rodriguez Murillo, as our keynote speaker. Chancellor Gary May will give a welcome speech, and The Spokes will perform the National Anthem.
Please join us in recognizing and honoring the service and sacrifice of our Gold Star Aggies. To learn more about this information please read this Dateline article from last year. You can also visit The Golden Memory Book - an online archive of the 136 names that appear in the physical Golden Memory Book that resides in the Memorial union on the UC Davis main campus.