Arizona Network Presents Aggie Traditions Bingo

Aggie Spirit Week

Event Date

The Cal Aggie Alumni Association Arizona Network presents Aggie Traditions Bingo, a virtual opportunity for all Aggies to connect online to the campus. 

Aggie Traditions Bingo; Attend an Aggie Spirit Week event, Take a bike ride, Share your love for Eggheads, Tour the Manetti Shrem Museum, Follow CAAA on social, Take a virtual tour, Give back to UC Davis, Read The Aggie, Wear your Aggie Pride
Save the Bingo board and cross out squares as you participate in Aggie Spirit Week!

Complete the BINGO board pictured above and submit your completed board to us via email at to be entered into the Aggie Spirit Week Bingo Sweepstakes. One person will receive a $25 gift certificate. You don't need to complete the entire board to participate! Send us what you have at the end of the week! 

Official rules can be found here.

Right click on the image above to save or click here to download.

Use this guide to cross out as many squares as possible: 

Attend an Aggie Spirit Week event or virtual tour.

Find events and register.

Follow CAAA on social media.

Find our social accounts.

Attend a virtual library event or campus tour. 

Find events and register.

Tell or show us your love for the Eggheads.

Share a photo of an Egghead from your time on campus and use #UCDavisAlumni on your public social media account, or include an ode to the Eggheads in your email submission of the Bingo board.

Celebrate Aggie Pride and wear UC Davis apparel.

Take a photo wearing your favorite UC Davis gear! Tag the photo using #UCDavisAlumni on your public social media account or email the photo along with your completed Bingo board. 

Need UC Davis apparel? Visit the bookstore!

Give back to UC Davis

Find your passion.

Show us your wheels! Ride your bike where ever you are

Submit your favorite bike photo from when you were on campus or send us a photo from your bike ride during Aggie Spirit Week. Either use #UCDavisAlumni on your public social media account or submit the photo along with your completed Bingo board.

Visit the Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art

Visit from home.

Visit in-person.

Read The Aggie

View the newspaper online.

Remember to mark your activities as complete on your Bingo board and submit the board to at the end of the week! 
